Full izdanje DayZ ce izaci tek 2016. godine (?!)

Popularna igra sa tematikom zombie apokalipse ce se pojaviti u full obliku tek u pocetkom 2016. godine. Za sada je u alfa fazi, a treba do polovine sledece godine da udje u beta fazu.

Bohemia Interactive has announced that DayZ standalone won’t see a full release until early 2016.

Following the survival shooter’s first year of Early Access, DayZ’s development team has shared a “development roadmap” for 2015 and beyond. According to the press release, game features such as basic stealth, diseases, and dynamic events should be in place by the end of Q2 2015.

By the end of the year the studio aims to have a console prototype ready, as well as Steam community integration and a beta release.

Bohemia also shared its plans for DayZ’s evolving price point, stating that “We would like to avoid a sudden increase in price once we hit the final release version.” Its current alpha release Steam sale price of $30 USD / €24 will rise to $35 after the sale. The beta version, due Q4 2015, will cost $44 / €35, and the final 2016 release will be around $50 / €40.

A “more complete” roadmap will be released in the following weeks, says Bohemia.

Producer Brian Hicks recently addressed gamers’ concerns over DayZ’s development time. If you’re looking for a different take on the zombie apocalypse while you wait for DayZ’s eventual full release, you can check out the fan-made, Bohemia-approved browser game MiniDayZ.

Source: DayZ Standalone's Final Release Scheduled for 2016 - IGN