Svaka cast :da: Ja nisam nikako igrao Raid, slabo ko je od ovde ljudi igrao Destiny na xo, a smaralo me da jurim ekipu po toweru. Mada kontam sa tim random dropovima da bi se jos vise zarazio i na kraju bi morao da idem do poslednjeg nivoa. Ovako sam dostigao maksimalni nivo bez Raid opreme i ne igram vise, cekam dlc.
Bas zbog toga, citao/gledao sam o nekim iskustvima u Raidu, i mnogi se zale da nemaju srece sa dropovima, cak je jedan lik 10 puta igrao Raid (valjda na hard) i svaki put je dobio Legendary Sparrow
Sad sam igrao malo Patrol na Cosmodrome-u i ako odete do bivseg loot cave-a i onda zadrzite kocku na “disturb the remains” jedan Acolyte se spawn-uje posle nekog vremena i pisace “The minions od Crota have started the ritual”. U pecini se tada spawn-uje jedan Hive Knight i ako ga ubijete mozete da uzmete onaj mac iz trailer-a za The Dark Below.
Shvatio sam da imam Digital Guardian Edition na PS4. Blago meni
Naišao sma na to, al nije mi mača dalo… Iako su se spawnali neki žuti, ali nebih sada točno znao koji.
Da li se pojavio DLC?
Jeste. Na IGN-u vec uveliko igraju novi Raid…
Jel ima mesta za mene za raid? Moram da ga odigram sto pre zbog opisa…
I kako si otpoceo onu misiju gde ti treba nesto od Xura?
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Juce zamenio exotic helmet i Suros za njihove DLC ekvivalente sa visim light-om odnosno damage-om, potrebno je dati Xur-u oruzje/opremu koje hoces da zamenis, 1 exotic shard (koji se dobija rastavljanjem exotic-a ili kupuje za 7 strange coina) i 7000 glimmera. I posle svega toga, Bungie te besramno tera da ponovo upgrejdujes te nove ekvivalente, iako su oni koje si ulozio vec bili upgrejdovani.
Najgora stvar je sto sam to uradio bez razmisljanja, i verovatno ce svi tako. Ova igra je difinitivno, kako to ameri zovu, Guilty pleasure!
Dodje mi da uopste ne upgrejdujem Suros, jer sa ovim brzim fire rate-om meni vise odgovara.
Koje ****** je DLC… Apsolutno gubljenje vremena… Inace jedan od The most disappointing games of 2014 je i ova igra :
Bungie bans Destiny players for using modified console
Bungie recently swung the banhammer at Destiny players who have logged into the game on a modified console, the developer revealed in its latest weekly update.
“Something else that deserves mention is that the BanHammer has been a-swingin’. Ninja Justice is always swift and final,” Bungie noted in the update. Citing “shadowy forces who protect the world of Destiny from shadowy activities,” the developer has this to say about the bans:
“We routinely review Banhammer actions to ensure that they are applied accurately and fairly. A review of the bans applied over the last week shows that all of the affected accounts had logged into Destiny on a modified console at some point.”
The actual number of banned players wasn’t mentioned, but Bungie did warn players to “Play nice! And use the boxes that your favorite retailer “gave” you.”
Lord Saladin will be returning to the Tower on December 16 for the Iron Banner event. During this visit, players’ reputation rank will be reset and Saladin will have level 31 armor available to earn.
Evo malo objašnjavanja ljudima kako se igra pumparicom a i generalno
Prvi lik koji je dostigao light level 32
Ma ludak neki…
Jedan od komentara na IGN-u
“Got to level 28. Spent two weeks rebuilding my social life. I think I’m done now.”
A new hot fix for Destiny is now live. : The one that followed Expansion I.
This update corrects some issues that were introduced to Destiny with the release of The Dark Below. We are also continuing to support the Destiny sandbox with changes that were identified prior the launch of Expansion I.
Fixed a typo in the German word for 'Radiant Energy'
Fixed an issue in which some weapon projectiles were improperly penetrating Hive shields
Pocket Infinity
Rolled back changes induced by a previous Exotic weapon update
Charge up and deactivation now work as originally designed
Players may again encounter a previously known issue which prevents charge up
Both existing and future Raid gear obtained in Crota’s End now begins at Level 30 with an upgrade path to reach Level 32
Raid helmet obtained in Crota's End now drops on Normal Mode and will be a more frequent drop on Hard Mode
Fixed an issue in which Dead Orbit Hunter cloaks awarded reputation gains for both Dead Orbit and Vanguard/Crucible
Added a replayable node to the Director for the ‘Fist of Crota' mission
Isecak iz review-a za Dark Below na IGN-u:
If someone had secretly installed Destiny’s first expansion, The Dark Below, onto my hard drive without telling me, it would’ve taken me a while to notice. To call it an “expansion” is generous, roughly equivalent to calling a moped a motorcycle. The dearth of completely new content for the price is only half of the problem here though; the other half is how recycled and tacked on nearly every element feels.
so true…
Poboljšao sam kill spree na xboxu, sada mi je 16 moglo još da bude da nije bio kraj meča
Verujem da ću teško stići stats sa PS4… 20 killstreak i 10480 poena u jednom meču i 46 ubistva… na xbone-u mi je 16-7250-36… Jbg ljudi naučili malo da igraju, ne mogu ih teroristati kao pre