Xur location February 20 — Xur is in Hall of the Guardians, by the Crucible Quartermaster.
Xur exotics for February 20 — Crest of Alpha Lupi, Radiant Dance Machines, Voidfang Vestments, No land Beyond
Hahaha, No Land Beyond, po treci put ga donosi Xur od izlaska DLC-ija, “srecom” sam dobio tu pusku na Nightfall-u ove nedelje :headbang:
Makar je doneo heavy ammo i exotic engram…
Sad će samo da vrti ove puške koje ili svako ima, ili koje nikome ne trebaju. Vozi Miško!
I sve na foru dobili ste Ice Breaker dvaput u prethodnih mesec dana, sta hocete sada Mada, zaboravio sam, kod njega je sve totalno random :lol:
Update 1.1.1 će početi da se pušta u četvrtak
Da ne otvaram temu samo zbog ovoga …
Sa 1.1.1 update-om procurele su nove informacije vezane za HoW DLC (House of Wolves).
Destiny patch 1.1.1
Fixed an issue in which armor with perks that increase ammunition carrying capacity resulted in ammunition loss upon respawn
Decreased over-penetration value for weapons with armor piercing perks
Fixed an issue where items from the PS3/360 Destiny demo were using old power values. They have been adjusted to regular levels
Song of Ir Yut weapon tooltip now advertises the correct magazine size
Shoot to Loot: Two-second cooldown added to perk to prevent extra ammunition gains while ammunition bricks despawn
Dark Breaker perk will now correctly damage Hive Shriekers
Snap Discharge will now increase attack speed as per the description
Thunderer perk now has priority on the 4th Horseman tooltip
Full Auto: Fixed issues in which the weapon perk stopped working while the trigger was being held down
Auto Rifles
Reduced base damage of Auto Rifles by 2.5%
Reduced effective range values
Pulse Rifles
Increased base damage of Pulse Rifles by 9.7%
Hand Cannons
Slightly reduced effective range
Slightly reduced initial accuracy
Fusion Rifles
Widened blast pattern on a Fusion Rifle burst cone
Reduced starting ammunition in PVP
Increased damage against all non-Guardian combatants by 2x (100% increase)
Reduced high-end range values
Damage falloff starts sooner
Reduced starting ammunition in PVP
Weekly Heroic Strike now is a matchmade activity
Strikes will be less likely to repeat in Matchmaking rotations for full Fireteams
Players will now unlock all playlists (Control, Clash, Rumble, Skirmish) simultaneously when unlocking the Crucible.
Added a new notification when Crucible modes unlock
Crucible maps will be less likely to repeat in Matchmaking rotations for full Fireteams
Guardians no longer drop heavy ammunition when killed in PvP
Guardians now drop much less special ammunition when killed in PvP
Completed matches will now award gear with the proper power level
Fixed a bug where there was no audio playing for the bullet that kills them
Event: Iron Banner
Iron Banner playlist now contains smaller maps in rotation
“Focused Aggression” Bounty can now be completed with headshots from Pulse Rifles, Scout Rifles, and Hand Cannon
Fixed an issue in which Xur did not carry exotic engrams in inventory on certain dates
Crota’s End completion emblem will now be sent to the Postmaster when player inventory is full
Ammunition consumables will now work if used when player inventory is full
Fixed issues that prevented qualifying players who had deleted their characters from claiming the Tumbler Sparrow from Tess Everis in Tower
User Interface
Character inventory screen now displays faction reputation and weekly mark counters
Players in public spaces will no longer see voice notifications when a player in a matchmade fireteam enter
Players will now see improved notifications when teammates join and depart Team and Fireteam chat channels
Combined Arms Grimoire cards will now unlock when completing a Clash or Control game
House of Wolves card will now unlock upon the start of Ishtar Collective story mission
Guardian Abilities card will be granted when a player enters orbit
Siege Dancers card will be granted upon the start of the Dust Palace Strike
Completing Crota’s End now adds to the Raid Introduction Grimoire card’s Completed statistic
Ir Yut grimoire card will now unlock appropriately
Siege of the Warmind card will now unlock appropriately
Fixed Grimoire scores for the following cards:
Omnigul, Will of Crota
Ir Yut, the Deathsinger
Crota, Son of Oryx
The Wakening
The Will of Crota
Crotas End
Ascendant Sword
The Cauldron
Might of Crota
Ghost Fragment: Rasputin
Ghost Fragment: Rasputin 2
Ghost Fragment: Hive 4
DLC and Patch systems have been improved
Xbox One upsell from trial version to full version no longer makes you leave the game
Improved networking resilience to packet reordering
Networking improvements for certain routers
Bug was introduced in 1.1.1 patch that caused the Vex Mythoclast to spawn with less ammo in the magazine and reserves in PvP
This weapon was affected by overall Fusion Rifle changes because it is treated as a secondary weapon
We intend to correct this issue in a future release
Ako nekome trebaju dead ghost lokacije neka pogleda ovaj sajt:
Na osnovu Xbox live ili PSN naloga, pokazuje sve koje ste i niste pokupili. Vrlo brzo i lako mozete pokupiti sve duhove
Bungie explains the real reason for killing Destiny’s loot cave
In a recent GDC panel, Bungie’s John Hopson revealed the real reason behind the developer’s decision to put a stop to Destiny‘s loot cave farming.
Originally, the developer said that farming the loot cave in Skywatch was not its “dream for how Destiny is played.” As a result, the developer nerfed the spawn rate of the cave’s enemies, making it no longer viable.
“Shooting at a black hole for hours on end isn’t our dream for how Destiny is played. Our hope is that social engagement in public spaces is only one part of the Destiny experience,” the developer said at the time. “Expect changes soon which decrease the efficiency of cave farming and correspondingly increase engram drops from completing activities.”
However, in the panel yesterday, Hopson revealed that Bungie knew about the cave at launch and part of the reason for killing it was because the loot cave wasn’t as good as players thought it was.
“They were very weak enemies that didn’t drop very good loot,” Hopson explained. “The funny thing is that we knew about [the loot cave] before launch, we knew that this was potentially exploitable activity, but we didn’t care. The actual drop rate per minute spent is not any different than anything else.
“So you actually will get less loot [shooting into the loot cave] per hour than you would just playing the game. But the players weren’t doing the math that way.”
The second half of the reason was due to players constantly reporting each other for cheating while farming the cave. ”The time of the loot cave was the highest peak of players reporting each other for cheating,” Hopson added. “[The Loot Cave] was actually pretty controversial.”
Pokusavam da dobijem Thorn-a, ali ne mogu poslednju misiju (onaj strike da odradim sam). Ima li neko da mi pomogne? PS4
To se i ne radi sam dolazi iz četvrtog broda sa one platforme. Bilo bi extra kada bi bili min dvojica, i taj drugi da bude poprilično high level.
Znam da se ne radi sam, da sam znao odmah batalio bi bounty
Meni upravo zbog toga još uvek stoji u invertaru, i mrzi me da cimam ljude ponovo da igram, a ovo mi je drugi takav bounty, prvi put sam rastavio Thorn jer mi nije trebalo, a onda su ga buffovali u međuvremenu
Samo ja sam na xbone…
Bungie has one more update for Destiny before House of Wolves DLC
Bungie has revealed that it has one more major update planned for Destiny before the release of the game’s second expansion pack.
“Imagine if you will that Updates to Destiny are like the Guardians landing in the Tower. As one swoops in and descends below the deck, the next is already in orbit, on approach, just waiting for clearance to land their ship. Now that 1.1.1 has been tucked in below decks, we can line up the next “release candidate” for final approach,” the developer teased in its weekly update.
“Don’t get too anxious, now. Traveling through hyperspace ain’t like dusting crops. Without precise calculations, we could fly right through a star or bounce too close to a supernova. That’d end our trip real quick…We’re still weeks away. But, before the House of Wolves begins its own descent through the stratosphere with precious cargo in tow, you can expect another Destiny Update to come in for a landing.”
According to Bungie, the first details about update 1.1.2 will begin rolling out next week. Apart from this promise of information, all we know is that the update is on the way.
Update 1.1.1 was recently released for Destiny, adding a new faction reputation screen, matchmaking for Weekly Heroic Strikes, and more.
Destiny’s second expansion, House of Wolves, is expected to launch in either April or May.
Destiny players celebrate Christmas once a week. Every Friday morning, a special weekend vendor arrives at a random location in the game’s main social hub, the Tower, and sells what is purported to be a randomized selection of the best and rarest (exotic tier) loot in the game. The vendor’s name is Xûr, and if not for his paltry asking price-per-piece, many players wouldn’t have gotten their favorite guns yet — even now, half a year after the game released. Every week, the anticipation of Xûr’s stock creates high hopes, and — due simply to the limited shelf space available — dashes them to the ground. For the past month, one intrepid player has been data mining Destiny to reveal Xûr’s stock before it goes on sale. Bungie has been doing what it can to prevent this player’s predictions, and it has created an escalating war between both factions.
Bungie has released the long-awaited 1.2 patch for Destiny today, which prepares the game for its upcoming House of Wolves expansion on Tuesday.
The 1.2 patch includes a number of bug fixes related to weapon perks, the elimination of the Commendations system, will allow materials to be exchanged at the Speaker, and will stop giving Guardians shards when turning in legendary engrams.
All isn’t hunky dory with patch 1.2 as Bungie mentions they’ve discovered a problem with the Cryptarch post launch. Guardians may find he doesn’t recognize some legendary engrams, so as of now, Bungie is recommending you hang tight your purple engrams until the launch of House of Wolves. That’s when Bungie plans on releasing patch, which they expect to fix this issue as well as add a new Connection Recovery feature. The upcoming patch will also make Daily Heroic mission generate Motes of Light instead of shards, will tweak the Crucible reward system, and will add three maps from The Dark Below to all playlists.
We’ve learned some valuable information surrounding House of Wolves’ a few weeks ago, especially information surrounding its PvP and PvE activities. We’re preparing ourselves to be in tip-top shape when House of Wolves is released, so keep an eye out for more information surrounding the expansion starting next week.
Destiny’s 1.2.0 patch is now live, patch detailed
Destiny‘s 1.2.0 patch has finally been made available, following a last minute technical issue that caused it to be delayed.
The patch fixes an issue that caused players to have to wait longer than usual to respawn in PvP, makes some updates to the Vendor Interaction Panel, and increases the number of buffs that can be displayed. However, the patch has also introduced a bug that makes it so some new rare and legendary engrams can’t be decrypted. These engrams will all be fixed with the launch of House of Wolves on May 19.
Patch 1.2.0 also signals the return of The Queen’s Emissary to the Tower for the Queen’s Wrath event. Players can pick up new bounties from Petra Venj to earn reputation with the Queen, which will unlock new shaders and emblems. There’s also a chance to earn Treasure Keys that will apparently be used to open the chest at the end of The Prison of Elders.
Bungie also revealed that patch will follow on Tuesday, May 19, at around 10 a.m. PST when the House of Wolves DLC goes live. You can check out the full patch notes for both updates below:
Patch 1.2.0
Fixed an issue in which Vex Mythoclast was not respawning with primary ammunition.
Fixed an issue with the Hive Disruptor perk, which now appears in the Black Hammer perk set again.
Fixed an issue in which the Phantom Gift and White Nail perks would become interrupted when non-precision damage occurred from other perks.
Bonus damage from other perks (e.g., Explosive Rounds, Hive Disruptor) no longer interrupts the count.
Three precision hits within the time window will trigger the intended refund bonus.
Fixed an issue in which the Hive Disruptor perk did not work correctly with sustained damage events (auto rifles, pulse, etc.).
Oracle Disruptor perk now triggers more often.
Hive Disruptor perk now triggers more often, but does less damage per event
Salvage: Moved the first Relic to more consistently appear in a centralized position on the map.
Fixed an issue that caused players to wait an excessively long time to respawn.
User Interface
Vendor Interaction Panel has been updated to support Quest chains.
Vendor Interaction Panel now has better animations and fewer popping issues.
Number of buffs that can be displayed on the Character screen has been increased.
Inventory item stacks that have reached their highest possible count will now display gold numbers along with an alert in the tooltip that maximum quantities have been acquired.
Added improved feedback for players who take damage from energy weapons.
Fixed an issue in which the Mercury Grimoire card was not being awarded.
Retroactively awarded the Mercury Grimoire card to players who have found the “Mercury Memory Fragment” Dead Ghost.
Vendor items, damage types, and perks will now be visible on Bungie.net and the Mobile App.
Addressed a crash on Xbox One that was induced when too many explosions/projectiles were generated.
Fixed an issue that affected the network quality user interface. -Indicators will no longer display persistently bad (“red”) quality after a user’s connection recovers from a temporary quality issue -The quality indicators should now always correctly reflect a user’s live connection quality
We have discovered that Rare and Legendary Engrams will drop in 1.2.0 that the Cryptarchs will not recognize.
Hold on to all newly-acquired Engrams until May 19th to benefit from their upgraded decryption skillset.
Added a new Daily Reward package upon completion of the first game in the Daily Featured Crucible playlist.
Added Passage Coins to reward streams across all playlists, including the Daily reward package.
Increased Crucible Mark drop rate across all playlists by 100%.
Increased Crucible Reputation earnings across all playlists by 20%.
Increased Rare Weapons and Gear drop chance for completing games across all playlists by 100%.
Added Legendary Weapon drops into the Crucible reward stream across all playlists.
Added Dark Below maps into all Crucible playlists for all players to enjoy (Pantheon, The Cauldron, Skyshock).
Iron Banner
Adjusted the power curve for Iron Banner playlists to accommodate the competitive range of power in House of Wolves.
Across one Iron Banner event, players competing in Iron Banner with more than one character on the same account will receive a reputation boost for the lower-ranked characters to reach parity with the higher-ranked character more quickly.
Six additional Iron Banner bounties have been added to the bounty rotation.
Removed an errant buff from Iron Banner Control playlist.
Etheric Light will now be available at Ranks 3 and 5 in Iron Banner.
Newly acquired Faction reward packages will no longer produce Shards.
The Speaker will exchange Ascendant and Radiant Materials for Glimmer and Motes of Light.
Xûr will exchange Strange Coins for Motes of Light.
Commendations are no longer required to purchase gear.
Commendations can be converted to receive +250 gains in Vanguard, Crucible, or Faction reputation.
Note: Etheric Light will not be made available for ascending gear until the release of House of Wolves.
The Cryptarch will no longer convert newly acquired Legendary Engrams to Shards (possibilities include gear/weapons or Exotics).
Expansion II featured Daily Heroic activities will produce Motes of Light in lieu of Shards.
Ascending: Year 1 Legendary and Exotic gear can be upgraded to the highest power levels available in Year 1.
User Interface
The Control UI above the mini scoreboard has been fixed & returned to the players HUD.
Added a new “Connection Recovery” System. – Specific player networking problems will now be fixed instead of kicking affected players to orbit. – This will be enabled first for Trials of Osiris and rolled out to other activities over time.
Ako neko hoce da igramo zajedno destiny, neka me doda: **GTA_DCE **