Fallout je fps rpg, ne mora to uopste da bude lose.
I potvrdjeno je da je igra: First-Person RPG. Ajde da se nadamo da ce ispasti dobro i cekamo neki gameplay. Vise na linku ispod.
Ja ovo obavezno kupujem…
Ja sam izgleda jedan od rijetkih koji ovo ne želi da igra. Ne volim ovakve igre, pa ko god ih pravio. Ne znam, moram sačekati neki gameplay…
- CD Projekt describes the game as a “first-person RPG.”
- Gameplay is in first a first-person perspective, but switched to third-person during a cutscene.
- You play a character named V (as in the letter).
- V can be a man or a woman.
- The stats you pick at the start include Strength, Constitution, Intelligence, Reflexes, Tech, and Cool.
- These stats are all pulled from the original tabletop RPG.
- You can drive cars in the game, and seemingly toggle between first and third person during this.
- While driving in first-person, the U.I. appears diegetically on the windshield.
- CD Projekt also described Cyberpunk as a “mature experience intended for mature audiences.”
- Like Witcher, you take missions from NPCs and have dialogue options in conversations.
- It’s an open world that you open up more with “street cred.” For example, a specific jacket might raise it by 5%, allowing you access to new places.
- Completing a quest levels up your street cred.
- The UI in the demo is extremely minimal at — just a light compass and a small quest log.
- UI expands during combat — enemies have names, health bars, and what appear to be levels.
- Some enemies have question marks instead of levels, possibly meaning they’re much higher level than you.
- Damage numbers pop up during combat.
- There’s a bullet-time-like ability that allows you to slow down time.
- CD Projekt keeps emphasizing that choices have consequences, in the moment and to the world at large.
- Obstacles have several solutions depending on your skills. For example, V got to a door, but his hacking skill was too low. However, his engineering skill was high enough, so he could open a panel and bypass the door.
- There’s an inspection system lets you look super close at items and learn more about lore.
- You use an inhaler to heal.
- Gunplay feels slower than Doom or Borderlands, but faster than Fallout 4.
- CD Projekt showed off some late-game abilities, including mantis-like blade arms and wall running.
- A boss fight against a dude in an exoskeleton was shown. This included sliding under cars and taking cover.
Uuh, jel si gledao Blade Runner-a? Kako to mozes da ne gotivis.
Prvih 20 min filma i onda batalio zbog nepredvidjenih okolnosti
Ova tema ce umirati i ozivljavati dok oni objave igru…ali ovo ce biti igra milenijuma. Pogotovo za mene. Uzivao sam u Cyberpanku 2020 FRP igranju sa ekipom
Cyberpunk 2077 will have both long-lasting relationships and "full frontal nudity
Ko bi rekao, posle Witchera.
Meni se sve svidelo sto sam video, uprkos tome sto se u svakom kadru mogao videti direktna inspiracija iz svakog sf sajberpunk filma od 80-tih naovamo… eno ga Ghost in the shell! Peti element! Deus Ex! Total Recall! Opet Ghost in the Shell! etc…
Da je pravde, Masamune Shirow bi bio najbogatiji manga artist ikad.
Svejedno jedna od top 3 igara ovog e3 za mene.
Ovo je radjeno po FRP Knjizi CP 2020, Silverhand je poznati Roker u CP 2020 svetu.
Nije iskljuceno da su ubacili detalje i od drugih ali glavni izvor im je bila knjiga.
Ja se bas radujem sto je fps, 99% igara koje sada izlaze su iz treceg lica, krenulo je da me smara zesce.
Ne razumem cemu toliki skepticizam oko ove igre. Siguran sam da ce ovo biti odlicno SP iskustvo!
Tesko je nadmasiti Witcher 3 igru, mozda zato… Ljudi ocekivali ko zna sta
Nisam shvatio sto je prvo lice tacno problem? Ionako cemo u svakoj cut-sceni videti svog lika.
A prvo lice mene licno priblizava svetu, mogu bolje sve da vidim i upijam.
Dobra fora. Likovi su delili besplatno Witcher 3 GOTY Edition u onom kodu koji je bio na Microsoft-ovoj konferenciji.