California man sues sony over killzone: shadow fall

Sony is being sued in the state of California over its claims of 1080p resolution in Killzone: Shadow Fall.

Word comes by way of Polygon, which cites the lawsuit being filed in Northern California by a man named Douglas Ladore. Ladore’s claim is simple: Sony advertised the PlayStation 4 launch title Killzone: Shadow Fall as running in 1080p resolution, but instead “used a shortcut that was supposed to provide ‘subjectively similar’ results," particularly in multiplayer.

Killzone: Shadow Fall Video Review
As you may recall, the hullaballoo surrounding Killzone: Shadow Fall’s resolution occurred well after launch. Shadow Fall came to market in November of 2013, but it wasn’t until March of 2014 that claims began circulating that Shadow Fall’s multiplayer, in particular, didn’t run at 1080p or 60 frames-per-second, as claimed. Eurogamer’s Digital Foundry reported that while the single-player campaign runs at 1080p, multiplayer ran at 960x1080 at around 50 frames, as opposed to 1920x1080 at 60.

At the time, Digital Foundry wrote the following:

Shadow Fall uses a horizontal interlace, with every other column of pixels generated using a temporal upscale - in effect, information from previously rendered frames is used to plug the gaps. The fact that few have actually noticed that any upscale at all is in place speaks to its quality, and we can almost certainly assume that this effect is not cheap from a computational perspective. However, at the same time it also confirms that a massive reduction in fill-rate isn’t a guaranteed dead cert for hitting 60fps.

Sony retorted, claiming Shadow Fall uses some tricks to reach 1080p quality parity. The game’s producer, Poria Torkan, said this:

In both SP and MP, Killzone Shadow Fall outputs a full, unscaled 1080p image at up to 60fps. Native is often used to indicate images that are not scaled; it is native by that definition.

In multiplayer mode, however, we use a technique called ‘temporal reprojection’, which combines pixels and motion vectors from multiple lower-resolution frames to reconstruct a full 1080p image. If native means that every part of the pipeline is 1080p then this technique is not native.

Games often employ different resolutions in different parts of their rendering pipeline. Most games render particles and ambient occlusion at a lower resolution, while some games even do all lighting at a lower resolution. This is generally still called native 1080p. The technique used in Killzone Shadow Fall goes further and reconstructs half of the pixels from past frames.

We recognise the community’s degree of investment on this matter, and that the conventional terminology used before may be too vague to effectively convey what’s going on under the hood. As such we will do our best to be more precise with our language in the future.

Such an explanation was not enough for Ladore, who is purportedly suing Sony Computer Entertainment for more than $5 million for false advertisement, amongst other charges.

We’ve reached out to Sony for comment, and will update when we hear back.

E da tu upravo vidi jbte koja ssrana.A nek mi netko objasni dali bi on ikada saznao za to da digital foundry to nije rekao.Ma nek idu taki ljudi u 3 Lepe PM:D

Da li bi ti saznao za 60fps da nisu oni dokazali ? Prosto :slight_smile:
I treba da ih tuzi ko da kupujes 1m drva a dobijes 0.9m :slight_smile:

Dobro 60FPS-A se osjeti dosta no rezolucija pa pobogu nije razlika 720/900p naspram 1080p pa jo i ajde nego je razlika u 960x1080 u MP,pa dali on to mene iebe.Bas bih volio vidjeti kako ce to zavrsiti.Nekako sam 75% uvjeren da ce taj spec dobiti slucaj

Uopste me ne bi cudilo da dobije slucaj jer u Americi mozes da se tuzakas za svaku glupost. S jedne strane mi je to OK. Ako su oni rekli da ce igra da bude NATIVE 1080p a zapravo nije, moze da ih tuzi za obmanu, a onda posle toga ako dobije taj slucaj, svako moze da ponovo tuzi Soni za istu stvar i da se pozove na ovaj vec resen slucaj. I onda svaki taj kasniji slucaj ide po kratkom postupku. Soni po meni neretko ima te neke prljave poteze, kao kad na igrama pisu “ONLY ON PLAYSTATION*” (da li ste primetili zvezdicu?) a onda pogledas u dnu sta pise, a ono na fontu velicine 2 pise: “*also available for PC”.

Samo sto je probel sto je taj covjek glup.On je napravio prijavu nakon sto je digitalfoundry uradio analizu i nakon toge sto se sam sony javno ispricao,a sad se moze desiti da i oni dobiju,jer su vec rekli kao da ljudi nisu dobro shvtaili njihov text.U svakom slucaju nit mi ide u dzep niti iz dzepa ha jbga

Problem sa tim saopstenjima je sto moraju da budu precizna za glupog Amerikanca odnosno Average Joe-a. Ako tvoj tekst nije bio dovoljno precizan, to opet znaci da si obmanuo te ljude, nemaju sada oni nista od tvog izvinjenja. Mislim, nemam pojma, mozda ja gresim, nek se javi neki pravnik da nam razjasni kako to ide. :smiley:

Ako su reklamirali da je 1080p, onda pravno to moraju da ispune. Ako ne ispune, onda je to false advertising. Sad je samo pitanje da li ce njegovu tuzbu odbaciti kao besmislenu (sto i jeste), ili ce da prave neki presedan. Sta sprecava onda da MS izdaje sve igre i pise da su 1080p, a one su na 900p? Ovde trebamo mi da se zapitamo gdje je nasa individualna granica koliko dopustamo da nas zavode lijepim rijecima i obecanjima :slight_smile:

Pa mislim da je ovde problem sto su oni obecali konkretne brojke, iako ne znam zbog cega. Mom oku je u 90% slucajeva svejedno koja je rezolucija u pitanju, dok god je framerate stabilan. A MS vec sluzi svoju kaznu zbog Kinecta, samo sto je kazna dosla od kupaca, a ne od suda.

Komentar sto je lik napisao na IGN-u na ovu vest :

Well I’m gonna sue for Watch Dogs - I was neither a dog nor a watch in that game :smiley:

Po toj logici onda bi ms odavno propao.kao i sony,kao i ubisoft i mnogi drugi